4. U-boot Burn Update

4.1. Overview

U-boot burn update will need to burn the entire fip.bin (bootloader + uboot), while the bootloader comes with different DDR initialization parameters, which can be configured via SDK menuconfig when EVB is selected.

Please refer to the SDK_Compilation_and_Usage_Guide

4.2. U-boot Through Bootrom

Please refer to Cvitek Bare and Non-Bare Processor Burning Upgrade Operation Guide_v1.2.1.docx

4.3. Flash U-boot Burn Update

4.3.1. SPI NOR Flash Burn Update

Please refer to Cvitek Bare and Non-Bare Processor Burning Upgrade Operation Guide_v1.2.1.docx

4.3.2. SPI NAND Flash Burn Update

Please refer to Cvitek Bare and Non-Bare Processor Burning Upgrade Operation Guide_v1.2.1.docx

4.3.3. eMMC Burn Update

Please refer to Cvitek Bare and Non-Bare Processor Burning Upgrade Operation Guide_v1.2.1.docx