2.1. Function Overview

2.1.1. Objective

The multimedia framework (MMF) provided by CVITEK is used to shorten the time of application development.

This architecture shields the complex underlying design and differences on the processor side, and provides a unified and convenient MMF Programming Interface for applications.

MMF includes the following functions: ISP image preprocessing (including HDR, denoising, edge sharpening, etc.), input image capture and output, image geometric correction, H.265/H.264/JPEG codec, audio capture and output, audio codec, etc.

2.1.2. Definitions and Abbreviations

MMF(Multimedia Framework)

ISP(Image Signal Processor)

VI(Video Input)

VPSS(Video Process Sub-System)

VO(Video Output)

VDEC(Video Decoder)

VENC(Video Encoder)

ADEC(Audio Decoder)

AENC(Audio Encoder)

REGION(Regional Management)