4.4. Commonly Used Examples

We provide model conversion and quantization sample programs, multimedia related sample programs, and individual model transplant sample programs covering the fields of image classification, target detection, image segmentation, and text detection and recognition as follows.

  1. TPU-NNTC Quick start Guid provides sample model transformations and quantization.

  2. Sophon-demo in SophonSDK provides sample inference programs for individual models such as CenterNet、LPRNet、PP-OCR、ResNet、RetinaFace、SSD、yolact、YOLOv3/v4、YOLOv5、YOLOX, etc.

  3. Sophon-pipeline in SophonSDK provides a sample pipeline-based task builder (with push streams and result presentation).

  4. Sophon-mw in SophonSDK provides multimedia-related sample programs for video and picture codec and bmcv format conversion under different hardware architectures.