3.1. Function Overview

3.1.1. Objective

According to the characteristics of each processor, the system control completes the reset and basic initialization of each hardware component, and is responsible for the initialization, control and deinitialization of each function module of MMF system, as well as managing the working state of each function module of MMF system and providing the large physical memory management.

Before the application starts MMF function, it must complete the initialization of MMF system. Similarly, after an application exits the MMF function, it also needs to complete the MMF system deinitialization and release resources.

3.1.2. Definitions and Abbreviations

MMF(Multimedia Framework)

VB(Video Buffer)

VI(Video Input)

VI_CAP(Video Input Capture)

VI_PROC(Video Input Process)

VPSS(Video Process Sub-System)

VO(Video Output)

VDEC(Video Decoder)

VENC(Video Encoder)

ADEC(Audio Decoder)

AENC(Audio Encoder)