3.5. Update SDK

We will release the new version of SDK through the official website: Official Download Center

In general, you need to download a new version of SophonSDK(Release_<date>-public.zip), to update all or only the modules you want to update.


Where < date > refers to the SDK Release date.

3.5.1. Updates in PCIe mode

If you are installing an old BM1684 SDK driver, you need to uninstall the old BM1684 SDK driver before installing the new version.

If you install the SophonSDK driver, you can install the new version of the driver directly when you update it.

If you only want to update some modules, you can refer to the environment configuration section to selectively update some modules and ignore others.

It should be noted that the firmware program in the PCIe accelerator card sometimes needs to be updated, and when it needs to be updated, we will give instructions in the corresponding version of Release Notes.

3.5.2. Updates in SoC mode

At present, there are three update methods: (1) SD card flashing machine, (2) file replacement and (3) OTA upgrade.

Among them: SD card flashing will rewrite the entire eMMC, that is, all the data you store in eMMC will be lost. This method is the cleanest and most reliable, in theory, as long as your BM1684X SoC is not damaged by hardware, you can use SD card flashing machine.

File replacement means upgrading bootloader, kernel and other software respectively by replacing corresponding files under Ubuntu. This approach has certain risks, such as version matching between different software components, file corruption and so on.

For specific operations, please refer to SOPHON BSP Development Reference Manual.


When the version span is relatively large, it is recommended that you upgrade by card flashing.