3.2. Factsheet


SophonSDK is a one-stop SDK which includes modules related to model conversion, model quantization and algorithm porting. We provide a range of materials including documentation, videos, forums and open source repositories to help users with their algorithm porting and development work.

Please read the development guide first to familiarise yourself with the environment and the use of the SDK. If you encounter problems at any point, you can read the appropriate module documentation for more detailed information, following the guidelines in the table below.

Comprehensive examples for single models or scenarios sophone-demo:

The pipeline-based high-performance inference framework sophon-pipeline:

High-level interface library for C++/Python encapsulation of the underlying interface sophon-sail:

SE5 box displays images via QT using the HDMI interface: https://github.com/sophon-ai-algo/sophon-qt

BSP: https://gitee.com/sophon-ai/bsp-sdk

BM-FFmpeg: https://github.com/sophgo/sophon_ffmpeg

You are also welcome to send us feedback on your problems with github issues and to submit them to us PR works together on open source repositories.

Resource Centre



LIBSOPHON contains BMCV, BMRuntime, BMLib and other libraries, which are used to drive VPP, TPU and other hardware to complete image processing, tensor operation, model reasoning and other operations.

BMCV Development Reference Manual

BMCV provides a set of machine vision library optimized based on Sophon AI chip, which can accelerate image processing and tensor operation. By using chips such as TPU, VPP, JPU, etc., color space conversion, scale transformation, affine transformation, transmission transformation, linear transformation, picture frame, JPEG coding and decoding, BASE64 coding and decoding, NMS, sorting, feature matching and other operations are completed.

BMLIB Development Reference Manual

BMLIB is a layer of underlying software library encapsulated on the kernel driver, which is responsible for device Handle management, memory management, data handling, API transmission and synchronization, A53 enabling, setting TPU working frequency, etc.

BMRuntime Development Reference Manual

BMRuntime provides rich interfaces to drive BMODEL to be executed in SOPHON TPU chips.

Multimedia Development Reference Manual

Drive VPU to parse RTSP stream, GB28181 stream, video codec and other multimedia related

Multimedia Customer FAQ Handbook

Frequently asked questions and answers on multimedia


User manual for multimedia tools

TPU-NNTC Development Reference Manual

It contains a suite of tools for compiling and quantifying the model.

TPU-NNTC Quick Start Guide

User’s manual for model conversion tool kit

TPUKernel User Development Documentation

The bottom programming interface based on the atomic operation interface of Sophon chip

TPUKernel Quick Start Guide

The development process and steps of TPUKernel

TPU-MLIR Development Reference Manual

TPU Compiler Project of Chip

TPU-MLIR Quick Start Manual

Sample program of TPUMLIR

SOPHON BSP Development Reference Manual

Detailed manual of BM1684X series AI computing module (including development board)